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NASTT’s annual No-Dig Show is the society’s flagship educational and networking event. NASTT’s No-Dig Show offers quality, non-commercial technical papers (approximately 160 per year); an exhibition hall with more than 170 trenchless companies displaying their products and services; a series of specialized trenchless training courses; plus many entertaining networking events and special industry related awards. NASTT’s No-Dig Show is the largest trenchless technology conference in North America averaging 2,000 industry professionals.

Contact:  Michelle Hill
Web URL:

Next year is set to be the year of ‘Trenchless in the Americas’ with the ISTT’s International No-Dig Show being held in conjunction with the NASTT No-Dig Show, and the Trenchless World Congress scheduled to take place in Medellin, Colombia, in September 2017.

Trenchless World Congress 2017 takes place at Plaza Mayor Conference and Exhibition Centre on 25th to 27th September 2017. This event gives attendees an opportunity to OPEN MARKET in Central America, the Caribbean, South America, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Chile, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Dominicana Republic, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, etc.

You can expect to see employees from affiliated organizations, as well as Senior Management, Directors and Managing Directors. The event expects to attract leading exhibitors, local and international contractors with the best of technologies adapted for local conditions, along with a substantial body of experienced municipal engineers, their consultants and contractors.

Contact person: Arlex Toro
Web URL:

VILLE SANS TRANCHEE is the only one French event allowing to visitors/specialists to participate at the different conferences on various trenchless technologies such as microtunneling, horizontal drilling, sewage, telecoms, french regulation for works, tracking systems and detection of networks…) and demonstrations,

The outdoor area allows to see the equipments, products and materials allowing the projects to be carried out on sites. The indoor space is organized for traditional booths.

The Awards Ceremony is organized during the Gala Dinner (2th June 2015) rewarding the best technical performances and innovations during the last 2 years.

Web URL:
Contact person: Monique Lac (33-
Email: /

Following on from the success of last years Masterclasses, UKSTT are holding another one-day conference covering ‘Horizontal Directional Drilling’.

To register your interest in attending this seminar please contact Lynn on 10926 513773 or

Contact: Lynn Maclachlan
Web URL: UKSTT website

NASTT’s annual No-Dig Show will be held in conjunction with ISTT’s International No-Dig this year. NASTT’s No-Dig Show offers quality, non-commercial technical papers (approximately 160 per year); an exhibition hall with more than 170 trenchless companies displaying their products and services; a series of specialized trenchless training courses; plus many entertaining networking events and special industry related awards. NASTT’s No-Dig Show is the largest trenchless technology conference in North America averaging 2,000 industry professionals.

Contact:  Michelle Hill
Web URL:

The 3rd NO DIG BERLIN, Symposium and exhibition on trenchless technology will be held in Berlin on 28 – 31 March 2017.

NO DIG BERLIN, Symposium and exhibition in conjunction with WASSER BERLIN INTERNATIONAL 2015 was a huge success.

A high number of decision-makers, political representatives and an outstanding programme of supporting events – that is how to best summarise NO DIG BERLIN/WASSER BERLIN INTERNATONAL 2015, the only platform in Germany that reflects the entire economic cycle of the water industry. Over a period of four days the international water industry was gathered in Berlin.

22,686 trade visitors from 104 countries found out about the latest products, services and technical solutions displayed by 557 exhibitors representing 26 countries.
More than ten delegations from European and non-European countries, including from Jordan, Korea and Singapore, attended the event. The delegation from Central America alone, which represented El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and Nicaragua, was able to conclude business in excess of ten million euros.
Again the Construction Site Day (Schaustelle Wasser Berlin) was very well received. This was organised mainly by Berliner Wasserbetriebe, with substantial support from Berlin’s construction engineering industry. Around 500 trade visitors from around the world were able to gain a unique first-hand insight into how well the latest technologies perform.

Don’t miss the world-leading event for pipeline construction!

Website :
Contact person: Dagmar Eichhorn

TRENCHLESS MIDDLE EAST 2017 is the region’s only conference and exhibition focusing entirely on the latest equipment and techniques used in Trenchless Technology (NDRC) including underground infrastructure and pipelining. The need for this technology has become evident around the world in the sheer number of huge projects taking place, and is highlighted by the importance of eliminating the need for disruptive excavations. Trenchless technology has become the preferred option for utility installation and repair.

TRENCHLESS MIDDLE EAST will include a comprehensive, exciting conference programme, assembled in collaboration with the International Society for Trenchless Technologies (ISTT.) We look forward to meeting all industry colleagues in Dubai, where we can combine our knowledge and skills, therefore providing a showcase and forum for exchange of information and experience in the application of trenchless technologies for the public benefit.

Contact person: Paul Harwood / Chantel Avis
Email: /
Web URL: